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Wednesday, 2 October 2013


Golden Eagle Flies off with a Deer

Golden Eagle Flies off with a Deer

Golden Eagle Flies off with Deer
This golden eagle soars in and sinks its claws into a Sika deer

A powerful golden eagle swoops on an unsuspecting Sika deer, digs in its claws in and tries to drag its prey away. These images were captured by zoologists in a nature reserve in the remote Lazovsky region of southeast Russia.

Golden Eagle Flies off with Deer
The powerful bird starts to lift the panicked animal from the ground

Golden Eagle Flies off with Deer
The eagle spreads its wings before lifting the deer from the ground

Golden Eagle Flies off with Deer

Golden Eagle Flies off with Deer

Golden Eagle Flies off with Deer

Golden Eagle Flies off with Deer

The remains of the deer were found two weeks after the attack, near where the shots had been taken

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