Symptoms include:
- Pressure or tightness in the chest
- Unexplained shortness of breath and irregular pulse
- Cold sweat or sweating
- Feeling of heartburn
- Abdominal pain
- Cardiac arrest
- dizziness
- Discomfort in the back,neck and jaw
- Pain or discomfort in arms (women)
- Shortness of breath without chest discomfort in women
What to do?
Cough repeatedly: Don't panic start coughing repeatedly and vigorously and take deep breath before each cough.Deep breath get oxygen into the lungs and coughing helps to keep the blood circulating.Repeat this every two seconds until any help comes or until the heart beat become normal.
Medical attention immediately: Remember the sign and symptoms of heart attack and be prepared you need to call for medical assistance within 5 min before you are going to be attacked and also make an call to your friends and family to explain your heart attack symptoms and warnings.
Heart attack survival plan:It is advisable that write a note on white paper about your medicines,allergies and personal doctor's number and also mention your family and friends contacts to inform them if you admitted in hospital keep this information in your wallet (or) purse.This information is very useful to survive a heart attack when you are alone or unconscious state(sudden attack).
Aspirin: Aspirin survive lot of people from a sudden heart attacks.Take aspirin at that time,you should notice that medicine is quickly absorb if you chew it rather than taking with keep aspirin with you if you have any signs and symptoms of heart attack and keep heart attack survival plan most importantly.Note: Some times aspirin can make strokes worse,so take an advise with your doctor whether it is an appropriate action or not.
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